Car traffic (detailed)
The Car traffic (detailed) data category provides information on average hourly car traffic for the last month with street-level accuracy. Traffic is grouped by day types: weekdays and weekends. The data is updated every month.
The information on traffic is based on Urbi navigator data.

To get started:
Go to the Main or Data tab.
Select the Detailed car traffic data category.
In the Geofilter settings box, select the territories for which the data sample is created (up to 50 territories). You can use:
- Suggested standard territories: regions, districts, settlements, and others. Depending on the tariff, some territories may not be available.
- Your own territorial division. To do this, first upload a dataset with polygons and create a territory filter.
Click Done.
Select the data display method on top of the Filters tab:
- Points: display as centroid points (the centers of the object geometries).
- Geometries: display as lines.
Set the remaining filters if necessary.
The data is visualized on the map. The total count of objects is available in the filtering results.
To save this data sample and customize its visualization (e.g., as a heatmap), click Create layer.
For the Car traffic (detailed) category, the following filters are available:
Nearby: limiting the data sample by territorial availability. Possible options:
- Off: default value.
- Radius: circle with a radius from
m is drawn around a point in the center of the map. The default value is10000
m. - Path: area that is accessible by car or on foot within
min is drawn around a point in the center of the map. The default value is15
To change the area, drag the center point to the necessary area of the map.
Road class: class of roads (e.g. main streets).
Traffic per weekday: amount of traffic per weekday.
Traffic per weekend: amount of traffic per one day of a weekend.
Traffic from ... to ... on weekdays: amount of traffic per one certain hour of a weekday. For example, the filter
Traffic from 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. on weekdays
contains data on traffic from 01:00 to 02:00 in the timezone of the selected territory. -
Traffic from ... to ... on weekends: amount of traffic per one certain hour of one day of a weekend. For example, the filter
Traffic from 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. on weekdays
contains data on traffic from 01:00 to 02:00 in the timezone of the selected territory.
To reset the parameter filter, click icon next to the filter name. To reset all parameter filters, click Reset filters at the bottom of the tab.
To reset the geofilter, in the Geofilter settings box, click icon next to the territory name. To reset all geofilters, click Reset filters.
What's next?
- Quick start.
- Get to know more about other Data categories.
- Get to know how to work with Data visualization.
- Get to know more about Layers, Dashboards, and Widgets.
- Get to know prepared Analytics presets.