Overview | On-Premise | Urbi Documentation

On-Premise overview

On-Premise is a set of services that allow you to deploy and use products on your own sites. Compared to using Urbi's own cloud infrastructure, On-Premise has the following advantages:

  • Deploying services on a private network without access to the Internet. Only a few specific On-Premise services require Internet access in order for other services to function.

    This allows you to isolate network traffic and fully control it. For example, you can track individual requests at the network level.

  • Independent generation and revocation of API keys.

    This allows you to flexibly control end-user access to products according to your internal policies.

  • Scaling the deployed services according to your needs: both up and down.

On-Premise services are designed to operate in a Kubernetes cluster, which provides the following advantages:

  • Simplified process of updating services and their data with Helm.

    You only need to run a few simple commands to update the On-Premise service, even if the service is currently running. There is no need to configure all dependencies each time you deploy or update a service.

  • High availability and fault tolerance.

    Each service is deployed with multiple replicas, which allows it to continue serving requests even if some replicas become unavailable. To ensure high availability, Ingress is used to balance incoming requests between active replicas.

  • High performance.

    On-Premise services make heavy use of caching at different architectural levels. Thanks to this, incoming requests are processed with the highest possible speed.

API Description
MapGL JS API Allows to integrate an interactive 3D map, powered by WebGL, into a site or a web application.

To enable support for this API, you need to deploy On-Premise services MapGL JS API and Tiles API. You might also need to install Floors API to display 3D floor plans on the map.

For more information:

API Description
Places API Performs a search for organizations, buildings and places by a wide range of criteria.
Geocoder API Determines coordinates of an object on the map by its address (direct geocoding) and vice versa (reverse geocoding). Also provides information about the object.
Suggest API Provides realtime suggestions that match the search criteria while the search request is being typed.
Categories API Provides information about categories – groups of companies that share the same business area. Also provides information about parent and child categories for given organizations. Used in conjunction with Places API.
Regions API Allows to select a region (an agglomeration that includes a large city and its nearest settlements). This API returns a region identifier, which can be used by other APIs to do the search for organizations, buildings, and places strictly within the region.

To enable support for these APIs, you need to deploy On-Premise services Search API and Catalog APIs.

For more information:

API Description
Routing API Builds car, taxi, pedestrian, bicycle, truck, and emergency services routes.
Directions API Builds car, bicycle, and pedestrian routes.
Distance Matrix API Calculates distance and travel time between points on the map. Allows to find points with an expected time to reach.
Truck Direction API Builds truck routes, taking into account the parameters of the truck and the current road restrictions.
Map Matching API Builds a car route by using a set of route points recorded by a vehicle.
Isochrone API Allows to get an area on the map that is reachable from a given point on foot, by car or by bicycle in a given amount of time. Can be used to display a courier delivery area based on delivery time and type of transport.
Public Transport API Builds routes for public transport.

To enable support for these APIs, you need to deploy On-Premise services Navi-Castle, Navi-Front, Navi-Router, Navi-Back, and Distance Matrix Async API.

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Urbi Pro service for managing and analyzing geodata:

  • Manage and filter geodata by various attributes.
  • Work with data layers by buildings, organizations, population, and infrastructure.
  • Visualize geodata in the form of heat maps, clusters, hexagons, etc.

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CityLens is a service for capturing and processing images that allows you to:

  • Get an image in driving mode through the mobile app.
  • Process images, detect incidents and classify them using a third-party AI Computer Vision engine.
  • Analyze the results and make reports.

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Mobile SDK is a software product for a integrating an Urbi map into a mobile application.

With this SDK you can do the following:

  • Display the map on the screen.
  • Control the camera.
  • Get information about map objects.
  • Add markers to the map.
  • Draw geometric shapes.
  • Build routes and launch navigation.

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