Proximity zones | Urbi Pro | Urbi Documentation
Urbi Pro

Proximity zones

Proximity zone is an area the boundaries of which can be reached by the chosen method of transportation (for example, by car or on foot) within a certain period of time. You can build proximity zones for several objects at once, as well as to calculate statistics within them (for example, the total number of residents within a 15-minute walking proximity zone).

Example scenario

Build a coverage area for clinics within a 20-minute walk to make a decision about opening an additional department of the clinic.

Functionality is not available in demo mode: learn more about tariffs.

Proximity zones button
  1. Create a layer with the objects you are interested in. The visualization method does not matter.

  2. Modify a data sample so that no more than 500 objects remain in the selection as a result.

  3. Go to the Dashboards tab.

  4. Select the required dashboard.

  5. Click Layers icon.

  6. Select the required layer.

  7. Click Proximity zones.

  8. Set the proximity zone parameters:

    Building of walking or transport proximity zones
    • New layer name: enter the name of the resulting layer.

    • Source layer: select a layer, for objects of which proximity zones are built.

    • Proximity type: select a proximity type: walking or driving.

    • Zones:

      • Configure the number of steps (from 1 to 5, default is 3). To increase this number, click Add Zone. To decrease, click Trash icon next to the necessary step.
      • Configure the size of each step (from 1 to 30 minutes to the point or centroid of the polygon). By default, a new step is added with a gap of 5 minutes.
    • Merge zones of different points: enable this setting to make overlapping proximity zones merge into one. If this setting is disabled, intersections of proximity zones are shown on the resulting layer.

  9. Click Create.

A new layer is created and automatically added to the dashboard.

The number of proximity zones buildings is limited. Limits for each parameter are displayed in the proximity zones settings dialog:

  • Points: number of points for which proximity zones are built.
  • Zones: number of proximity zones that are built for these points.
  • Available: number of remaining requests for building proximity zones according to your tariff. A request is building one proximity zone for a single point or centroid of a polygon. To increase the limit, contact the sales department.
Zones management

You can configure proximity zones on the created layer:

  • To change parameters used for building zones and learn about current limits, click Set steps.
  • To aggregate data within proximity zones (for example, to display the number of objects in each zone), click Aggregate data. Available for layers with areal objects (Proximity zones and Polygons). For more information, see the Data aggregation instruction.
Visualization settings
  • Step colors: selecting a color scale of data display. To change the default step colors, click on the color scale of the step and enter a new color value in HEX format.
  • Opacity: adjustment of the transparency of displaying elements on the map.