Analytics presets
Analytics presets is a prepared layers group with a customized display method. Layers are created automatically and include different data depending on the scenario.
Where to open a business
This scenario will help you make a decision about the place of opening a business.
To get started:
- Go to the Main tab.
- Select the Where to open a business preset.
- Specify the Territory.
- Specify the Categories.
- Click Continue.
A new group Where to open a business will be created on the Layers tab, which contains the following layers:
- Competitors: selection by Firms data category with Grid display method.
- Demand: selection by Demand data category with Hexbin display method.
- Living population: selection by Population data category with Heatmap display method.
- Working population: selection by Population data category with Heatmap display method.
The data will be visualized on the map.
If necessary, you can edit the selection and display methods for any layer.
What's next?
- Quick start.
- Get to know how to work with Data and Layers.
- Get to know more about data Visualization.