Analytics presets | Urbi Pro | Urbi Documentation
Urbi Pro

Analytics presets

Analytics presets is a prepared layers group with a customized display method. Layers are created automatically and include different data depending on the scenario.

This scenario will help you make a decision about the place of opening a business.

Where to open a business

To get started:

  1. Go to the Main tab.
  2. Select the Where to open a business preset.
  3. Specify the Territory.
  4. Specify the Categories.
  5. Click Continue.

A new group Where to open a business will be created on the Layers tab, which contains the following layers:

  • Competitors: selection by Firms data category with Grid display method.
  • Demand: selection by Demand data category with Hexbin display method.
  • Living population: selection by Population data category with Heatmap display method.
  • Working population: selection by Population data category with Heatmap display method.

The data will be visualized on the map.

If necessary, you can edit the selection and display methods for any layer.