Overview | Style Editor | Urbi Documentation
Style Editor


Style editor allows customizing the map appearance depending on the goals and the visual identity of your applications and services that use the API and SDK.

The map includes objects that consist of geometries and attributes. Based on the attributes of the object, the map determines which style layer to assign an object to and how to display the object visually. Each layer sets the appearance of a group of objects.

In the Style editor, you can customize the style layers of the map and design the map in the visual style of any application or service. You can use a project with a customized style:

  • In web applications, by connecting via the MapGL JS API using the identifier.
  • In mobile applications on Android, iOS, and Flutter, by connecting via the Mobile SDK. Styles are installed as a set of layers, icons, and fonts when building the application.

Projects are stored on the backend of the Style editor.

Using the Style editor, you can:

  • Customize the colors of objects: buildings, streets, parks, reservoirs, and others.
  • Customize object icons: metro, bus stations, airports, traffic lights, parking lots.
  • Manage captions on the map: hide, show, or adjust the display density.
  • Adjust the display scale for layer objects. For example, show only icons of coffee shops or bus stops when the scale is small.
  • Change the color of the map background and configure the lighting, sky, and fog.
  • Add 3D terrain.
  • Upload your own icons and models.
  • Manage layer visibility: hide and show layers. For example, you can disable the layer with roads.
  • Share the map via a link and export the map in JSON format.

You can customize layer elements using the visual editor or JSON format.

Example of working in the Style editor: