Uploading data files | Urbi Pro | Urbi Documentation
Urbi Pro

Uploading data files

Upload and work with your own geodata in Urbi Pro service. You can work with the uploaded data like with built-in data categories.

The ability to download data depends on the tariff.

Supported territories:

  • Iraq (partially)
  • Bahrain
  • Qatar
  • Kuwait
  • UAE
  • Oman
  • Saudi Arabia

To work with your own data:

  1. Prepare a data file.
  2. Upload the data to the service.
  3. Create a filter by territory from polygons (optional).
  4. Create a layer.
  • Format: .csv, .csv.gz, .geojson, .geojson.gz, .kml, .kmz, .shp, or .shp.zip.
  • Size: up to 100 MB.
  • Encoding: UTF-8.
  • Coordinate System: WGS84(4326).
  • Available geometry types:

    FeatureCollection and GeometryCollection are not supported.

    The file must contain only one geometry type.

  • Data in .csv, .csv.gz, .geojson, or .geojson.gz formats must include a column with geometry information in one of the following formats:

    • WKT (Well-known text).
    • Latitude/longitude as floating-point numbers (only for point objects).

    Use only one column for specifying geometry.

  • Data archive in .shp format (shapefile) must contain the .shp, .dbf, .shx, and .prj files (.sbn and .cpg are optional).

Supported formats:

  • Date only:

    • YYYY-MM-DD (2023-10-05)
    • DD/MM/YYYY (05/10/2023)
    • DD.MM.YYYY (05.10.2023)
    • DD Mon YYYY (05 Oct 2023)
  • Date and time:

    • YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM (2023-10-05 14:30)
    • YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (2023-10-05 14:30:00)
  • Date and time with a timezone:

    • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±HH:MM (2023-10-05T14:30:00+03:00)
    • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (2023-10-05T11:30:00Z)
    • Ddd, DD Mon YYYY HH:MM:SS TIMEZONE (Thu, 05 Oct 2023 13:30:00 GMT)


If no timezone is specified in the uploaded data, UTC+0 is applied by default.

  • Any additional columns with information about objects are allowed.
  • Additional columns can be used as filters. The maximum number of filters is 40.
  • The number of unique values in a filter is not more than 30.
  • When setting field aliases, you can use digits, letters, characters " ", ".", "_", "$", round brackets. Do not use a comma when setting field aliases.

Data preparation can be done in any GIS software, with programming languages, or in Excel (point objects only).

File example:

"Plot number","Type","Counstruction status","Planned category type","Sector TPSS number","ADM competitors (5 min)","ADM Density competitors","Urbi competitors (5 min)","Urbi Density competitors","Population count","Population density","geometry","Area (m2)"
"37","Residential","constructed","residential","SW14","0","0.0","0","0.0","24","0.0114907756079154","MULTIPOLYGON (((54.5533360489372 24.4070865895649, 54.5537666032566 24.407208446631405, 54.553899603709 24.406814267612795, 54.55346912918721 24.406692421312805, 54.5533360489372 24.4070865895649)))","2090.1"
"60","Residential","constructed","residential","SE42","0","0.0","0","0.0","59","0.0143151993294631","MULTIPOLYGON (((54.5950160683146 24.4368505784661, 54.5956536269804 24.437030010752995, 54.595830181732204 24.436504162972696, 54.5951926253267 24.436324731604895, 54.5950160683146 24.4368505784661)))","4124.2"

Upload data on main page
  1. Go to the Main or Data tab.

  2. Click Upload data.

  3. Drag a file to the download area or Select a file on a computer.

  4. Click Upload.

  5. After the upload is finished, click Next.

  6. Specify the dataset name. Requirements:

    • The length can be up to 50 characters.
    • Can contain letters, numbers, spaces, and special characters.
  7. Configure the data attributes if necessary.

    At least one field with coordinates must be selected.

  8. Click Create a dataset.

    The data will appear in the Uploaded Data section.

Configure the data attributes

After uploading the file, the service will automatically generate an attribute structure for the dataset. To change the structure:

  • Select the checkbox next to the desired row so that the attribute is included in the final data set.

  • Specify the field name in the Title column.

  • Select the attribute type in the Type column:

    • Latitude
    • Longitude
    • WKT: geometry field
    • Name
    • Attribute
    • Date
  • Select the Filter type for the attribute:

    • Select box
    • Multiple choice from the list
    • Numerical range
    • Text filter
    • Date range with time


If you cancel the attribute setup or close its window, the data set will not disappear from the library – its card will be displayed with a note about the need to set up attributes. You will only be able to work with the data set after performing attribute settings.

If your uploaded data contains geometries of the polygon type, you can use them to create new territory filters. This allows you to filter any Pro data not only by standard territory types (countries, cities, regions, and others) but also by your unique areas.

Example scenario

Upload polygons that limit the areas where you would like to purchase a property and then analyze information on firms and urban environment within these polygons.

To create a filter by territory, select the Create a filter by territory checkbox and click Continue.

Creating a filter from polygons

To assign meaningful names to new areas, make sure that uploaded polygons contain a name field in properties. Example:

    "type": "Feature",
    "properties": {
        "Name": "Area 1"
    "geometry": {
        "coordinates": [...],
        "type": "Polygon"
    "id": 0

Now when you create layers, you can select the uploaded dataset from a list in the Territories field.

To save the filtered selection and customize its visualization (e.g., as a heatmap), create a layer.

  1. Go to the Main or Data tab.

  2. Select the uploaded data.

  3. Specify the Territory.

  4. If you selected the uploaded data that contains geometries of the line or polygon type, you can select the data display method on the Filters tab:

    • Points: visualization as centroid points (the centers of the object geometries).
    • Geometries: visualization of the real data geometries (lines or polygons).
  5. Set the remaining filter parameters if necessary.

  6. Click Create layer.

  7. Enter the layer name.

  8. Select where to add the layer: to an existing group or create a new one.

  9. Click Create.

More information about working with layers on the Layers management page.

  1. Hover the cursor over the uploaded data card.
  2. Click Uploaded data options icon and select Rename.
  1. Hover the cursor over the uploaded data card.
  2. Click Uploaded data options icon and select Delete.
  3. Confirm the deletion by clicking Delete.

You can view, group, and manage datasets on the Data tab (by default, uploaded datasets are stored in the My data group). See Operations with data.