Recording | CityLens | Urbi Documentation

Capturing data

You can capture data for CityLens by taking photos or recording videos.

  1. Go to the CityLens tab and select Take a photo or Record video.

    Main tab
  2. Place your phone horizontally and tap the capture button to start recording.

    You can see the map while recording, tap the round map icon in the lower-left corner.

  3. To finish recording, tap Arrow icon to return to the main tab.

When capturing, you can see the following metrics displayed at the top of your screen:

Taking photo
  • Tracks: number of recorded and not yet uploaded tracks (time intervals and data collected during it).
  • Frames: number of frames (images tied to geographic coordinates) captured by the application and not yet uploaded for processing. When you record a video, frames are captured automatically depending on the configured frequency.
  • Length: duration of the current track in minutes.
  • Frame rate: frequency of frame capturing: you can configure it to depend on speed, distance, or time intervals.
  • JPEG: image resolution.
  • Thermal state: indicator of the processor heating state.
  • Free space: available amount of device memory.

You can view the map and your current location marker instead of the camera view while recording. To open the map, tap the round map icon in the lower-left corner.

Map view

Tap the screen and use UI controls to move, rotate, and scale the map.


Follow the recommended speed limit to ensure high quality of captured frames.

You can switch between light and dark themes of the map. To change the map look, tap Layers icon and select the required theme.

Some roads on your way can be highlighted as priority areas that should be covered in the first place. To show or hide priority roads on the map, tap Layers icon and select Priority.

Priority areas on the map

You can enable the application to track your traveled route and save it as a GPS track. This helps you see areas that you have already visited and plan your next steps.


The GPS track is captured only when you are recording videos. The track is stored locally and is used for your reference only.

To start tracking, tap Route tracking icon. Your traveled route will be highlighted green on the map.

GPS tracking of the route

To delete the tracked route, tap Clear GPS track. Removing the track does not remove captured frames.

Settings tab

To configure recording parameters, go to the Settings tab or tap Wheel icon while capturing data. Use the following settings:

  • Focus on tap (enabled by default): whether to use a single tap gesture to control the camera focus.
  • Track length: set the maximum track length in minutes or make it unlimited.
  • Frame frequency: set the frame frequency and configure it to depend on the distance, time, or speed.
  • Language: select the application language. For Arabic, right-to-left (RTL) orientation of the UI is supported.
  • Image resolution: set the resolution of captured images.
  • JPEG quality: set the compression of exported JPEG images.