TerritoryManager | iOS SDK | Urbi Documentation


Interface to interact with the list of territories: Subscribe to changes in territory information; Search territories by coordinates and geometry; Subscribe to changes of information about the general progress of territory installation/upgrade; Pause and resume the process of territory installation/upgrade.

Extends: Hashable
public static func == (lhs: TerritoryManager, rhs: TerritoryManager) -> Bool

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are equal.


Channel with a list of all known territories. It is updated when information about at least one of the territories changes or when the composition of the list changes. The contents of the channel are a subset of the total list of packages obtained from IPackageManager::packages. To avoid unsynchronization of package descriptions, you should not use data obtained simultaneously from several channels containing subsets of a common list of packages.

Channel with a list of all known territories. It is updated when information about at least one of the territories changes or when the composition of the list changes. The contents of the channel are a subset of the total list of packages obtained from IPackageManager::packages. To avoid unsynchronization of package descriptions, you should not use data obtained simultaneously from several channels containing subsets of a common list of packages.