FreeRoamSettings | iOS SDK | Urbi Documentation


Extends: Hashable
public static func == (lhs: FreeRoamSettings, rhs: FreeRoamSettings) -> Bool

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are equal.


Road graph tiles are loaded into HTTP cache during route guidance if they correspond to the route section from the current position to the specified distance. The default value is 5 km.
Tiles are not loaded into the HTTP cache if the parameter corresponds to a zero or negative distance.

When caching road graph tiles during route guidance, the tiles are loaded into HTTP cache if they are closer than the specified distance in meters from the route line. The default value is 1 km.
Tiles are not loaded into HTTP cache if the parameter corresponds to zero or negative distance.

Road graph tiles are loaded into HTTP cache if they are closer than the specified distance in meters from the current position. The default value is 2 km.
Tiles are not loaded to HTTP cache if the parameter corresponds to zero or negative distance.