MapGL JS API is a JavaScript library that allows you to add an Urbi map to your website or web application.
The features include:
- Add a 3D WebGL map with geodata to your website or to your web application.
- Rotate, pitch, and zoom the map using a mouse or finger gestures.
- Display floor plans for shopping centers and airports.
- Customize the appearance of the map using Map Styles Editor including 3D models, terrain, and other immersive features.
- Add single markers to the map and create marker clusters.
- Display text labels and draw custom shapes like circles and polygons.
- Calculate and display car and pedestrian routes.
- Add tooltips and popups for map objects.
- Customize the set of map control buttons and add your own.
- Work with GeoJSON and raster WMS/WMTS sources.
Geodata complies with OGC standards.
Use only MapGL JS API methods and fields described in the documentation. Stable operation of undocumented functionality is not guaranteed.