Labels | MapGL | Urbi Documentation


To add a Label to the map, specify the coordinates and text:

const label = new mapgl.Label(map, {
    coordinates: [55.31878, 25.23584],
    text: 'Your label text',
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        <title>2GIS Map API</title>
        <meta name="description" content="A single label example" />
            #container {
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            const map = new mapgl.Map('container', {
                center: [55.31878, 25.23584],
                zoom: 13,
                key: 'Your API access key',
            const label = new mapgl.Label(map, {
                coordinates: [55.31878, 25.23584],
                text: 'Your label text',

You can add multiple Labels to the map:

const firstLabel = new mapgl.Label(map, {
    coordinates: [55.27414, 25.25757],
    text: 'First label',
const secondLabel = new mapgl.Label(map, {
    coordinates: [55.28925, 25.21161],
    text: 'Second label',
const thirdLabel = new mapgl.Label(map, {
    coordinates: [55.34418, 25.21534],
    text: 'Third label',
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        <title>2GIS Map API</title>
        <meta name="description" content="A several labels example" />
            #container {
                margin: 0;
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;
                overflow: hidden;
        <div id="container"></div>
        <script src=""></script>
            const map = new mapgl.Map('container', {
                center: [55.31878, 25.23584],
                zoom: 12,
                key: 'Your API access key',
            const firstLabel = new mapgl.Label(map, {
                coordinates: [55.27414, 25.25757],
                text: 'First label',
            const secondLabel = new mapgl.Label(map, {
                coordinates: [55.28925, 25.21161],
                text: 'Second label',
            const thirdLabel = new mapgl.Label(map, {
                coordinates: [55.34418, 25.21534],
                text: 'Third label',

To add a Label with multiple lines of text, use the newline character (\n) as a line break:

const label = new mapgl.Label(map, {
    coordinates: [55.31878, 25.23584],
    text: 'First line\nSecond line\nThird line',
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        <title>2GIS Map API</title>
        <meta name="description" content="A multiline label example" />
            #container {
                margin: 0;
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;
                overflow: hidden;
        <div id="container"></div>
        <script src=""></script>
            const map = new mapgl.Map('container', {
                center: [55.31878, 25.23584],
                zoom: 13,
                key: 'Your API access key',
            const label = new mapgl.Label(map, {
                coordinates: [55.31878, 25.23584],
                text: 'First line\nSecond line\nThird line',

By default, the text is centered on the specified coordinates. To change the alignment of the text, use the relativeAnchor and offset parameters (see LabelOptions for more details):

// Horizontal and vertical center (the default)
const defaultPlacement = new mapgl.Label(map, {
    coordinates: [55.32878, 25.23584],
    text: 'Default label placement',
// Middle-right alignment
const rightCenterPlacement = new mapgl.Label(map, {
    coordinates: [55.32878, 25.24584],
    text: 'Right center placement',
    relativeAnchor: [0, 0.5],
// Top-left alignment with an offset
const leftTopPlacement = new mapgl.Label(map, {
    coordinates: [55.30878, 25.22584],
    text: 'Left top placement and offset',
    offset: [-10, -10],
    relativeAnchor: [1, 1],
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        <title>2GIS Map API</title>
            #container {
                margin: 0;
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;
                overflow: hidden;
        <div id="container"></div>
        <script src=""></script>
            const map = new mapgl.Map('container', {
                center: [55.31878, 25.23584],
                zoom: 13,
                key: 'Your API access key',
            // The center center label placement, by default.
            const defaultPlacement = new mapgl.Label(map, {
                coordinates: [55.32878, 25.23584],
                text: 'Default label placement',
            // The right center label placement.
            const rightCenterPlacement = new mapgl.Label(map, {
                coordinates: [55.32878, 25.24584],
                text: 'Right center placement',
                relativeAnchor: [0, 0.5],
            // The left top label placement with offset.
            const leftTopPlacement = new mapgl.Label(map, {
                coordinates: [55.30878, 25.22584],
                text: 'Left top placement and offset',
                offset: [-10, -10],
                relativeAnchor: [1, 1],

            // The markers below are only for visualizing the geo-coordinates of the labels.
            // You don't need them in common.
            const defaultPlacementAnchor = new mapgl.Marker(map, {
                coordinates: [55.32878, 25.23584],
                icon: '',
                zIndex: 100,
            const rightCenterPlacementAnchor = new mapgl.Marker(map, {
                coordinates: [55.32878, 25.24584],
                icon: '',
                zIndex: 100,
            const leftTopPlacementAnchor = new mapgl.Marker(map, {
                coordinates: [55.30878, 25.22584],
                icon: '',
                zIndex: 100,

To add an outline effect, use the haloColor (outline color) and haloRadius (outline width) parameters:

const label = new mapgl.Label(map, {
    coordinates: [55.27414, 25.25757],
    text: 'First label',
    color: '#0000ff',
    haloRadius: 2,
    haloColor: '#00ff0055',
<!DOCTYPE html>
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        <title>2GIS Map API</title>
        <meta name="description" content="A label with halo example" />
            #container {
                margin: 0;
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;
                overflow: hidden;
        <div id="container"></div>
        <script src=""></script>
            const map = new mapgl.Map('container', {
                center: [55.31878, 25.23584],
                zoom: 13,
                key: 'Your API access key',
            const label = new mapgl.Label(map, {
                coordinates: [55.31878, 25.23584],
                text: 'Label with halo',
                color: '#0000ff',
                haloRadius: 2,
                haloColor: '#00ff0055',

You can use a stretchable image as a text background. To do that, use the image parameter and define the stretchable areas by using the stretchX (stretchable horizontally) and stretchY (stretchable vertically) parameters:


const label = new mapgl.Label(map, {
    coordinates: [55.31878, 25.23584],
    text: 'Label with image',
    fontSize: 64,
    image: {
        url: '',
        size: [500, 250],
        // Areas that can be stretched horizontally (blue)
        stretchX: [
            [50, 200], // all pixels where X ≥ 50 and X ≤ 200
            [300, 450], // all pixels where X ≥ 300 and X ≤ 450
        // Areas that can be stretched vertically (red)
        stretchY: [
            [50, 150], // all pixels where Y ≥ 50 and Y ≤ 150
        // CSS-like padding for text
        padding: [50, 50, 100, 50],
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
        <title>2GIS Map API</title>
        <meta name="description" content="A label with background image example" />
            #container {
                margin: 0;
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;
                overflow: hidden;
        <div id="container"></div>
        <script src=""></script>
            const map = new mapgl.Map('container', {
                center: [55.31878, 25.23584],
                zoom: 13,
                key: 'Your API access key',
            const label = new mapgl.Label(map, {
                coordinates: [55.31878, 25.23884],
                text: 'Label with image',
                fontSize: 64,
                image: {
                    url: '',
                    size: [500, 250],
                    // The two (blue) columns of pixels that can be stretched horizontally:
                    //   - the pixels between x: 50 and x: 200 can be stretched
                    //   - the pixels between x: 300 and x: 450 can be stretched.
                    stretchX: [
                        [50, 200],
                        [300, 450],
                    // The one (red) row of pixels that can be stretched vertically:
                    //   - the pixels between y: 50 and y: 150 can be stretched
                    stretchY: [[50, 150]],
                    // padding like in CSS [top, right, bottom, left]:
                    padding: [50, 50, 100, 50],

If you use multiple Labels with background images, it is important to set different zIndex for each Label so that the images can be correctly overlapped:

const bottomLabel = new mapgl.Label(map, {
    zIndex: 1
const middleLabel = new mapgl.Label(map, {
    zIndex: 2
const topLabel = new mapgl.Label(map, {
    zIndex: 3
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
        <title>2GIS Map API</title>
        <meta name="description" content="Several labels with background image example" />
            #container {
                margin: 0;
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;
                overflow: hidden;
        <div id="container"></div>
        <script src=""></script>
            const map = new mapgl.Map('container', {
                center: [55.31878, 25.23584],
                zoom: 13,
                key: 'Your API access key',
            const bottomLabel = new mapgl.Label(map, {
                coordinates: [55.27878, 25.23884],
                text: 'Label with image',
                zIndex: 1,
                image: {
                    url: '',
                    size: [100, 50],
                    stretchX: [
                        [10, 30],
                        [70, 90],
                    stretchY: [[10, 30]],
                    padding: [10, 10, 20, 10],
            const middleLabel = new mapgl.Label(map, {
                coordinates: [55.31878, 25.23584],
                text: 'First line\nSecond line\nThird line',
                zIndex: 2,
                image: {
                    url: '',
                    pixelRatio: 2,
                    size: [100, 50],
                    stretchX: [
                        [10, 30],
                        [70, 90],
                    stretchY: [[10, 30]],
                    padding: [10, 10, 20, 10],
            const topLabel = new mapgl.Label(map, {
                coordinates: [55.36878, 25.23084],
                text: 'Label with debug image',
                zIndex: 3,
                image: {
                    url: '',
                    size: [100, 50],
                    stretchX: [
                        [10, 30],
                        [70, 90],
                    stretchY: [[10, 30]],
                    padding: [10, 10, 20, 10],