Examples | RasterJS API | Urbi Documentation
RasterJS API

Work with WKT

The following is an example of working with WKT. For more information go to the WKT section of documentation.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Display of simple vector layers</title>
        <script src="https://maps.api.2gis.ru/2.0/loader.js"></script>
        <div id="map" style="width: 100%; height: 400px"></div>
            DG.then(function () {
                var map,
                    coord1 =
                        'POLYGON((82.91699 55.042136, 82.917522 55.040187, 82.918063 55.040235, 82.917540 55.042184,82.91699 55.042136))',
                    coord2 =
                        'LINESTRING(82.91799 55.043136, 82.918522 55.041187, 82.919063 55.041235)',
                    coord3 = 'POINT(82.914 55.042136)';

                map = DG.map('map', {
                    center: [55.042136, 82.91699],
                    zoom: 16,



<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Display of compound vector layers</title>
        <script src="https://maps.api.2gis.ru/2.0/loader.js"></script>
        <div id="map" style="width: 100%; height: 400px"></div>
            DG.then(function () {
                var map,
                    coord1 =
                        'MULTIPOLYGON(((82.91699 55.042136, 82.917522 55.040187, 82.918063 55.040235, 82.917540 55.042184,82.91699 55.042136)), ((82.91599 55.041136, 82.916522 55.039187, 82.917063 55.039235, 82.916540 55.041184,82.91599 55.041136)))',
                    coord2 =
                        'MULTILINESTRING((82.91799 55.043136, 82.918522 55.041187, 82.919063 55.041235), (82.91899 55.044136, 82.919522 55.042187, 82.920063 55.042235))',
                    coord3 =
                        'MULTIPOINT(82.914 55.042136, 82.915 55.043136, 82.915 55.042136, 82.914 55.043136)';

                map = DG.map('map', {
                    center: [55.041836, 82.91699],
                    zoom: 16,


