RouteMapObject | iOS SDK | Urbi Documentation


Route object on the map.

Extends: MapObject
public convenience init(
    route: TrafficRoute,
    isActive: Bool,
    index: RouteIndex,
    displayFlags: RouteMapObjectDisplayFlagOptionSet? = nil,
    calloutLabelFlags: RouteMapObjectCalloutLabelFlagOptionSet? = nil,
    calloutLabelDisplayMode: RouteMapObjectCalloutLabelDisplayMode = RouteMapObjectCalloutLabelDisplayMode.absoluteValues,
    permanentDisplayFlags: RouteMapObjectPermanentDisplayFlagOptionSet? = nil

Set of flags for displaying different parts of the route. If not specified, the display logic based on the activity status of the route is used.

Set of flags for displaying different parts of the route. If not specified, the display logic based on the activity status of the route is used.


Set of flags to prevent different parts of the route from being hidden from the map when you update the distance traveled along the route. If not set, all route elements that fall within the non-displayed part of the route are hidden from the map when you update the distance traveled along the route.

Set of flags to prevent different parts of the route from being hidden from the map when you update the distance traveled along the route. If not set, all route elements that fall within the non-displayed part of the route are hidden from the map when you update the distance traveled along the route.


Route activity status.

Route activity status.

Route index in the route editor.


Distance traveled along the route.

Distance traveled along the route.


Route bubble position.

Route bubble position.


Set of flags to display the contents of the route's bubble. If not set, then for the active route both route time and its length are displayed, and only the travel time is displayed for inactive routes.

A set of flags to display the contents of the route's bubble. If not set, then for the active route both route time and its length are displayed, and only the travel time is displayed for inactive routes.


Mode of displaying values in the route's bubbles. By default, values are displayed as absolute magnitudes.

Mode of displaying values in the route's bubbles. By default, values are displayed as absolute magnitudes.


Lane bubbles positions. Only actual positions are returned for the current distance traveled along the route and only if the source, in which the object is placed, is working in navigation mode.

Lane bubbles positions. Only actual positions are returned for the current distance traveled along the route and only if the source, in which the object is placed, is working in navigation mode.