Object directory
To search for objects in the directory, first create a SearchManager object by calling one of the following methods:
- SearchManager.createOnlineManager() - creates an object to work with an online directory.
- SearchManager.createOfflineManager() - creates an object to work with an offline directory (preloaded data only).
- SearchManager.createSmartManager() - creates an object that works primarily with online data and switches to offline mode when the network goes down.
val searchManager = SearchManager.createSmartManager(sdkContext)
Then, to get object information by its ID, call the searchById() method. The method will return a deferred result with DirectoryObject.
searchManager.searchById(id).onResult { directoryObject ->
Log.d("APP", "Object title: ${directoryObject.title}")
If the object ID is not known, you can create a SearchQuery object using SearchQueryBuilder and pass it to the search() method. The method will return a deferred result with a SearchResult object, which will contain a paginated list of DirectoryObject.
val query = SearchQueryBuilder.fromQueryText("pizza").setPageSize(10).build() { searchResult ->
// Get the first object of the first page
val directoryObject = searchResult.firstPage?.items?.getOrNull(0) ?: return
Log.d("APP", "Object title: ${directoryObject.title}")
To get the next page of search results, use the fetchNextPage() method of the page, which will return a deferred result with a Page object.
firstPage.fetchNextPage().onResult { nextPage
val directoryObject = nextPage?.items?.getOrNull(0) ?: return
You can also use object directory to get suggestions when text searching (see Suggest API for demonstration). To do this, create a SuggestQuery object using SuggestQueryBuilder and pass it to the suggest() method. The method will return a deferred result with a SuggestResult object, which will contain a list of Suggest objects.
val query = SuggestQueryBuilder.fromQueryText("pizz").setLimit(10).build()
searchManager.suggest(query).onResult { suggestResult ->
// Get the first suggestion from the list
val firstSuggest = suggestResult.suggests?.getOrNull(0) ?: return
Log.d("APP", "Suggestion title: ${firstSuggest.title}")