RouteEditorSource | iOS SDK | Urbi Documentation


Interface of the class that controls the display of routes on the map.

Extends: Source
public convenience init(
    context: Context,
    routeEditor: RouteEditor,
    activeDisplayFlags: RouteMapObjectDisplayFlagOptionSet? = nil,
    inactiveDisplayFlags: RouteMapObjectDisplayFlagOptionSet? = nil,
    activeCalloutLabelFlags: RouteMapObjectCalloutLabelFlagOptionSet? = nil,
    inactiveCalloutLabelFlags: RouteMapObjectCalloutLabelFlagOptionSet? = nil,
    calloutLabelDisplayMode: RouteMapObjectCalloutLabelDisplayMode = RouteMapObjectCalloutLabelDisplayMode.absoluteValues,
    activePermanentDisplayFlags: RouteMapObjectPermanentDisplayFlagOptionSet? = nil,
    inactivePermanentDisplayFlags: RouteMapObjectPermanentDisplayFlagOptionSet? = nil

IRouteEditorSource creation function.


Objects of the route on the map.

Settings for displaying maneuvers on the route.

Display flags of the active route. See IRouteMapObject::display_flags.

Display flags of inactive routes. See IRouteMapObject::display_flags.

Flags that enable the display of content in the active route callouts. See IRouteMapObject::callout_label_flags.

Flags that enable the display of content in inactive routes callouts. See IRouteMapObject::callout_label_flags.

Mode of displaying values in route callouts. See IRouteMapObject::callout_label_display_mode.

Flags that exclude hiding components of the active route from the map. See IRouteMapObject::permanent_display_flags.

Flags that exclude hiding components of inactive routes from the map. See IRouteMapObject::permanent_display_flags.